6th to 12th of February 2023

Spotlight: Rust Foundation Interview

Slint joined the Rust Foundation as a Silver member last year. We finally found time to do the Member Spotlight: A short interview with Olivier, one of our Co-Founders.

Slint UI Library

New Features

  • TextInput: Improve mouse interaction with texts (#2179)


  • Update tree-sitter parser to the new Slint syntax (#2144)
  • Update highlight definitions for the Slint language used in text editors (#2205)
  • Declare the Slint VS Code extension as stable (#2212)


  • Harmonize styles & add a test that styles are in sync (#2076)
  • Improve error message when trying to create a two-way binding to model data (#2190)
  • Fix const detection with two ways binding (#2192)
  • Fix run-time panic when combining forward-focus with text rendering in no_std environments (#2203)
  • Platform: Replace the MAX_BUFFER_AGE const generic with a runtime enum (#2206)
  • Rust: Avoid name conflicts between user and internal types (#2208)
  • Rust: Make new(), run() and show() report errors from the backend (#2216)
  • winit backend: Fix compilation with wayland but not x11 (#2219)

Documentation and Demos

Janitor Work

  • C++: use size_t everywhere as index in our models (#2196)
  • Replace unwraps in compiler glyph embedding with diagnostics (#2214)
  • Sort enums when generating enum docs (#2217)
  • Compiler: use the new syntax for builtins.slint (#2221)

Other PRs: #2191, #2213

Other Crates and Libraries

Contributions to other crates and libraries made by our Slint developers:


  • FemtoVG released version 0.6.0 of its anti-aliased 2D vector drawing library.


113 patches committed in 24 pull requests by 4 authors.

← Next : 13th to 19th of February 2023 | Previous : 30th of January to 5th of February 2023

Slint is a declarative GUI toolkit to build native user interfaces for desktop and embedded applications written in Rust, C++, JavaScript, and Python. Find more information at https://slint.dev/ or check out the source code at https://github.com/slint-ui/slint