11th of July 2022 to 17th of July 2022

Slint UI Library

We have been working on a Skia rendering backend in the wip/skia branch. The goal is to be able to compare the performance between the current GL backend based on the FemtoVG library, with a backend that uses the Skia library with its Rust bindings

Changes to the .slint language

  • Add animation-tick() builtin function (#1402)

    Low level primitive allowing to build always running animations

  • Make mod() a macro that can take generic types instead of just integer (41a90e)


  • GL backend: speed up updates to layer content (#1403)

    Now that we store the layer textures as Rc<Texture>, before rendering a layer we can take a clone of a possibly existing layer texture and if if the layer's tracker is dirty, we can re-use the existing layer texture if it's the same size.

    This avoids unnecessary texture allocations.

  • Fix Bugs Introduced by GL Jitter on Resize Fix (#1397)

    This fixes a bug introduced in #1295, in which the preview would fail to show a window if no preferred size is set. Fixes #1395

  • Fix listview jumping when scrolling and element have different size (#1383)

    The test tests one particular case where we want to expand an item to the size of the listview when clicking


11 patches were committed in 4 pull requests by 3 authors.

← Next : 18th of July 2022 to 24th of July 2022 | Previous : 4th of July 2022 to 10th of July 2022

Slint is a declarative GUI toolkit to build native user interfaces for desktop and embedded applications written in Rust, C++, JavaScript, and Python. Find more information at https://slint.dev/ or check out the source code at https://github.com/slint-ui/slint