20th of June 2022 to 26th of June 2022

Embedded World 2022

Slint booth at Embedded World 2022

We visited Embedded World 2022, a big trade show in Nuremberg/Germany focused on embedded systems, this week. Embedded world was our first opportunity since the beginning of the pandemic to demo the micro controller support we've been working on to a technical audience in person.

We showed Slint's full range of support for different classes of devices with demos running on an Raspberry Pi 4 with embedded Linux, an STM32H7 development board with an ARM Cortex-M7 running on bare metal, all the way down to a Raspberry Pi Pico with 260KiB for RAM and an ARM Cortex-M0. We also showed the versatile rendering infrastructure built into Slint by rendering into a line buffer on the Pico, by using a frame buffer on the ST device up to OpenGL accelerated rendering on the embedded Linux device.

Slint's tooling with its Live Preview both on the developer machine as well as on the embedded Linux device got positive feedback, too.

We appreciated that the Raspberry Pi Foundation handed out thousands of their Raspberry Pi Pico micro controller boards during the event: That's exactly the board supported by Slint! Everybody could get the micro controller to test Slint on right during the trade show with just the screen missing:-)

We want to say a big thank you to all the people involved in making the Embedded World such a great success: Benedikt Wisbauer who designed the booth, all the other people that helped with all the big and small tasks involved to set up and run a booth, to the follow exhibitors and the organizers, to all the visitors that took the time to look at our demos and that gave constructive feedback about Slint, and last but not least Rafael Bachmann from the Rust Nuremberg Meetup, who made sure Rust people at the event got to met each other and had an opportunity to chat.

Slint UI Library


  • Improvements to the vscode web extension preview (#1370)
    • Reload the preview when the user do changes in the imported .slint files
    • Integrate with our LSP so that we add the code lense / actions to allow to preview a component.
    • Only use one winit event-loop instead of always restarting one.

    cc #1336


3 patches committed in 1 pull requests by 2 authors.

← Next : 27th of June 2022 to 3rd of July 2022 | Previous : 13th of June 2022 to 19th of June 2022

Slint is a declarative GUI toolkit to build native user interfaces for desktop and embedded applications written in Rust, C++, JavaScript, and Python. Find more information at https://slint.dev/ or check out the source code at https://github.com/slint-ui/slint