March 29, 2022 by Tobias Hunger

Joining the Rust Foundation

We're proud to announce that we have joined the Rust Foundation as a Silver member.

The Rust Foundation logo

The Rust Foundation is an independent non-profit organization to steward the Rust programming language and ecosystem. When the Rust Foundation started last year, we decided that we wanted to join them as soon as our own legal status was sorted out :-)

Slint is backed by SixtyFPS GmbH, a limited liability company that offers worldwide commercial licenses and support. We provide a cross-platform native UI toolkit for Rust, C++ and JavaScript, that runs on any device: From powerful workstations all the way down to microcontrollers. Slint is written in Rust and we maintain our Rust API as public crates.

Some of us at the company have a deep, personal connection to free software, open source projects and the communities around them, that goes back decades. It's natural for us to be part of the wider Rust ecosystem, by providing our own crates and contributing to crates that we depend on.

Today we're happy to announce that we have joined the Foundation as a Silver member.

We look forward to participate in the foundation, hopefully as a voice for UI interests in the ecosystem.
